Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Engineering Girls

1.What is the beautiful girl in engg. called?
A Visitor.

2. What happens when all the engg. girls go on a trip
to the moon ?
Average beauty on the earth increases and that on the
moon decreases.

3. What happens when hundred new girls join an engg
college ?
Average beauty in the college further decreases.

4. What happens when two engg. girls meet at fashion
They discuss the cause of the two smaller bugs in

5. What happens when an engg. girl participates in a
fashion show?
She gets the highest score for morale boosting.

6. What happens if you present a book named "How to
fall in love" to an engg girl?
She uses it as a mouse pad.

7. When two engg girls participate in a beauty
contest, it's called a competition. When an
engg girl competes with a non engg girl, its called

8. What happens when two engg girls compete for same
Some other girl will have him.

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